There have been many reports of Ogopogo sightings in Lake Okanagan, anywhere from near Kelowna to near Penticton.

2 Ogogopogo Sightings 5 years apart
2 Sightings 5 years apart

Larry S. reports having 2 sightings of what appears to be Ogopogo, one around 2016 and one in 2021.

2016 image accidentally caught by "Google Earth" camera.
Jul 18, 2016

A "Google Earth" surprise

2017 sighting near Penticton
June 24, 2017

This sighting was on Lake Okanagan half way between Sunoka Beach and the Penticton Marina.

May to September 2018- Breayden H. experiences 4 different sightings near Kelowna.
May 2018-September 2018

4 separate sightings over the span of a few months.

2018 by contractor working on Kelowna highrise
August 24, 2018

A surprise sighting while crossing the bridge

2018 by contractor working on Kelowna highrise
September 7, 2018

The following story was reported on Global News as well as picked up by a variety of media around that time.

2018 Sighting by local photographer
September 9, 2018

Local photographer takes an amazing photo!

2018 by contractor working on Kelowna highrise
September 18, 2018

Contractor working on highrise gets a surprise!

2018 by contractor working on Kelowna highrise
September 28, 2018

Local news station interviews Bill Steciuk after several sightings reported.

September 30, 2018 sighting by Katria T from Peachland.
September 30, 2018

Peachland resident catches a glimpse!

February 2019 by Lakeshore condo resident
February 2019

Photo taken by beachfront condo resident

February 2019 by Lakeshore condo resident
September 2019

Story reported to Ogopogo Quest by Kennedy H., on September 2nd, 2019.

Susan C. Sighting September 2019
September 2019

Susan C. Encounter near Fintry

2021 Ogogopogo Sighting by Andrew Stark
April 2021 Sighting

Avid photographer snaps a shot from Lakeshore Road condo.

2021 Ogogopogo Sighting near Summerland.
May 2021 Sighting

"Sighting from service road in Summerland above the lake.